




周一至周五美国东部时间上午 8:00 至午夜 12:00
周六和周日美国东部时间上午 10:00 至晚上 10:00


周一至周五美国东部时间上午 10:00 至晚上 10:00
周六和周日美国东部时间中午 12:00 至晚上 8:00



周一至周五美国东部时间上午 8:00 至晚上 10:00

周六和周日美国东部时间上午 10:00 至晚上 8:00


LA MER 退货政策


If you are not satisfied with your online purchase, we’re happy to refund your purchase price if the return complies with our return policy.

Products purchased from CremeDeLaMer.com must be returned in new or gently used condition and within 60 days from the date the order is placed. We accept returns for products purchased from CremeDeLaMer.com only, and all returns are inspected upon receipt at our warehouse.

  • 如要退还附带赠品的商品,则赠品必须一并退回。
  • 退货将在我们的仓库收到货物后的 3 个工作日内得到处理,一旦您的退货完全处理完毕,您将收到退款金额确认。
  • 对于在我们的退货政策范围内的退货,将按照购买价格经原付款方式退款。
  • Refunds issued to a credit card, La Mer gift card, Alipay, or for orders placed through Instagram can take up to 7-10 business days to post to your account. If another payment method was used, please reach out to that payment provider or financial institution for more information.
  • Refunds for returns received after 60 days are not guaranteed and will be made at the sole discretion of La Mer Online. 如果出现这些情况,La Mer Online 有权以电子礼品卡或退款支票的形式退回退款金额。
  • If the payment was split between a La Mer gift card and credit card, debit card, or bank-issued gift card, the credit is applied to the credit card, debit card, or bank issued gift card first. If a balance remains to be credited, it will be applied to the La Mer eGift Card.

Please also note:

  • La Mer Online 会监视退货活动,而且如果不符合退货政策要求、出现滥用情况,或对于在顾客报告未收到货后出于善意原则免费重新寄送的商品,La Mer Online 保留自行决定拒绝退货的权利。
  • 运费不予退还。
  • Engraved items and items noted as ‘final sale’ or ‘not returnable’ are not eligible for exchange or return.
  • La Mer eGift Cards are issued by ELC Brands Management Inc. and sold by its third-party partner, CashStar, and thus cannot be exchanged or returned to La Mer Online. 所有 La Mer 电子礼品卡的购买都要遵守 CashStar 的退货政策。
  • If you would like to return or exchange an item you received as a gift, please chat with us. eGift cards, gift cards, promotional items, final sale items, or products purchased somewhere other than Cremedelamer.com are not eligible for return online.
  • If items that are ineligible for a return are sent back to La Mer Online, including items marked as final sale, those items will not be returned to you

  • 换货说明

    如果您想换货,只需退回符合条件的不想要的产品即可。退款将在收到退货后的 3 个工作日内处理。You may place a new order for the product(s) you wish to purchase at any time.


当您的订单到达时,请检查包裹在运输过程中是否出现任何破损。运输纸箱出现磨损是正常现象,但如果您的货物受损,请保留包装箱、包装​​材料和里面的物品,并立即通过聊天或拨打 1-866-850-9400 立即联系我们寻求帮助。如果因损坏程度过高而无法保留物品,请小心处理并为损坏的物品拍照,然后安全地丢弃损坏的物品。请注意,如遇物品和/或包裹遗失、缺失、错误和/或损坏,请于收到货物后 30 天内联系我们,以便及时处理。La Mer 有权拒绝处理在 30 天后提交的索赔申请。

注:La Mer 会关注有关遗失、丢失、错发和损坏物品的索赔以防出现滥用情况。遗失、丢失、错发和损坏的物品必须在收到货物后立即报告,任何损坏、错发、丢失的物品必须保留(包括包裹运输箱)。La Mer 保留在任何情况下限制或拒绝订单/商品重新发货或退款的权利。请注意,如遇物品和/或包裹遗失、缺失、错误和/或损坏,请于收到货物后 30 天内联系我们,以便及时处理。La Mer 有权拒绝处理在 30 天后提交的索赔申请。